Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Occupational Therapy Week of May 24-May 30

Water Bottle Planters!

It's officially spring and time to plant! Let's make our own planter to hold those seeds. 
Step 1:
Gather your materials. Get creative with what you find around your home to use. Some examples of what you can use are shown in the photo below: recycled bottles of any kind, paint, construction paper, glue, markers, scissors, tape, googly eyes, ribbons/ string, glitter. 
Get creative! Anything and everything works!
Step 2:
Cut the bottles to any shape you like and choose what you want to make your recycled bottle planter into.
Step 3:
You are now going to add color to your bottle. This can be done by painting the bottle or gluing construction paper around it. In the photo below, I chose to make a bunny and a lobster so I painted my bottles red and white. If you use paint, you will want to wait for the paint to dry before gluing or taping anything to it. 
Step 4 (Bunny): 
You are now going to make the other parts of the animal. For the bunny, draw ears on white construction paper and smaller ones on pink construction paper.
 Cut both of them out.
 Glue the pink ears onto the white ears. 
Step 4 (Lobster): 
You are now going to make the other parts of the animal. Draw claws on red construction paper. 
Cut them out. 

Step 5: 
Glue the ears, claws and other parts you made onto your pot. The bunny ears are glued to the inside of the bottle at the top and the lobster claws are glued to the outside on the sides. 
Step 6: 
Add a face to your animal. This may include eyes, nose, or a mouth. For the bunny: Paint, draw, or glue on eyes. You can also add a pink triangle nose and whiskers. 
For the lobster: Paint, draw, or glue on eyes. You can also add eyelashes and a mouth. 
Step 7:
You’re now ready to add soil and a plant to your pot. Put the pot somewhere where your plant will get plenty of sun. Don’t forget to water your plant. 

What other creatures could you make?

Don't forget to email me your pictures at bissone@westbrookschools.org! I can't wait to see them!
Occupational Therapy Goals targeted: Fine motor, following directions, cutting, visual perceptual

SOCIAL WORK May 24th-May30th: Whole Body Listening (And How To Do This Online)

Whole Body Listening (And How To Do This Online)

In this video I review the concept of "Whole Body Listening" with our friend "Whole Body Listening Larry" from Elizabeth Sautter and Kristen Wilson's Social Thinking curriculum. I also explain how to apply "Whole Body Listening" online, when engaging in video interactions online.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Physical Therapy: Week of May 24th - 30th

Get Moving With This Idea Involving Your Name with Actions!

Spell Your Name Workout - What's Your Name? Fitness Activity ...

Speech Therapy: Pronouns (May 24 to 30)

Look at the above pictures.  You need to decide which PRONOUN you should use in the sentence.  HE,   SHE,   or    THEY.  If it is a boy use HE. If it is a girl use SHE, and if it is two people use THEY.  

Good luck, and HAVE FUN!

Monday, May 18, 2020

SOCIAL WORK May 17th - May 23rd: Gratitude Practice

Gratitude Practice

This week I invite you to create a gratitude practice.  Gratitude is a fancy work for "thankful."  This week, I'd like you to:
  • Take a paper and something to write with
  • Write a sentence about something for which you are grateful (e.g. "I am grateful for _____ because _____.")*
  • Do this once a day for one week (that's 7 days).  Helpful hint: it may be easier to remember to do this if you pick the same time every (e.g. before bedtime).
*If you don't know how to write yet, no worries!  You can ask an adult or sibling to help you.

Speech Therapy: Let's Help with Laundry! (May 17 to 23)

Thinking about chores and language development? Nope! But yes, they can go hand in hand.  See the above picture for many different ideas to review language concepts, that are often goals in Speech Therapy, while doing a routine tasks like laundry.  Pick one or two of these concepts to review and talk about while doing laundry together:
  • Sorting by color, wet / dry, clean / dirty, big / little, top /middle / bottom
  • Play I spy
  • Sequencing
  • Following directions
  • Opposites
And as always, HAVE FUN!

Physical Therapy: Week of May 17-23


Core Muscle Exercises!

Here are some exercises that you can do to strengthen your core... which is your building block and foundation for all other movements in your body!

Try to hold each one for as long as you can!  Repeat through these a second time for added benefits!

Popcorn or Egg 
5 Ocean Yoga Poses for Kids. Sea life comes to life through movement.
Reverse Table

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Occupational Therapy for the Week of May 17 to May 23

It's time for some YOGA!

Did you know that yoga can be beneficial for so many different things? It can help make you stronger, improve your balance, help with self-regulation, and so much more! It is a great thing to do together as a family. 

Here is a few of my favorite poses, do them along with the pictures in a row, or check out the youtube videos at the bottom for lots more yoga! 


1. Mountain Pose 

2. Cat/Cow Pose

3. Cobra Pose


4. Downward-facing Dog Pose

5. Easy Pose


6. Corpse Pose

Calming Poses For Relief Soul To Sole - Yoga Corpse Pose Cartoon ...

- Cosmic Kids Yoga on youtube... There are TONS of options here that are all kid-friendly and easy to follow along with!  CLICK HERE FOR: Cosmic Kids Yoga Videos

-Here's a mindful meditation to try to end your session! Feel free to try it in easy pose or corpse pose!

Occupational Therapy Goals targeted: Fine motor strength, strength and endurance, balance, self-regulation

Monday, May 11, 2020

SOCIAL WORK May 10th - May 15th: Little Monkey Calms Down Book

Little Monkey Calms Down

In this book, Little Monkey is VERY sad, mad, and angry and explores several ways to help himself feel better.  After watching this video, see if you can answer these questions:

1) What are some things that help you feel better when you are sad?
2) What are some things that help you feel better when you are angry?
3) For each category, list one thing that makes you feel better that you can:
  • Touch
  • Listen to
  • Look at
  • Smell

Speech Therapy: Idioms! May 10 to 16th

Look at the 5 different statements. They each are an 'idiom'.  An 'idiom' is a phrase or expression with a different meaning from the literal meaning of the words. It makes learning English really tricky! An idiom is often really funny to think about!

Pick the correct true meaning of each of the 5 sentences from the color coded phrases above. Ask an adult to check your work! Have fun!

Physical Therapy: Week of May 11th-16th

Balloon Activities!

(Keeping in mind latex free for any latex allergies or sensitivities.)

Balloon Tennis:
Use paper plates for the racquets, attaching a ruler or painter's stick to the back.  How many times can you hit it back and forth?

Other ideas with balloons:
  • How many times can you hit it in the air with your hands before it touches the floor?
  • Kick it back and forth with a partner or to a wall as in soccer.
  • See if you can catch it with a funnel, or a wide mouth plastic cup.
  • Attach it to the ceiling with a string and see if you can hit it with a cardboard tube.  
Have Fun!

Occupational Therapy for Week of May 10 to May16

It's Time to Practice Our Ball Skills!

You will need a bouncy ball: a playground ball, a basketball, a tennis ball, a small plastic ball, any kind will do!

1. Do as many dribbles as you can with your writing hand.

2. Now try alternating hands while you dribble!

3. Now dribble as fast as you can!

BONUS CHALLENGE: Can you dribble while you walk? Try to keep your head up!

Tell me how many dribbles you can get in a row below in the comments!
Occupational Therapy Goals targeted: motor coordination, bilateral coordination, crossing midline, hand-eye coordination, ball skills

Monday, May 4, 2020

SOCIAL WORK May 3rd - May 9th: Zones of Regulation and Using Music to Move Your Energy

What the Different Zones are Good For and How to Use Music to Move Your Energy

I've heard people say that the "Green Zone" is the "Good Zone" and that all other zones are "Bad Zones."  This is not true!  All the zones, and our feelings in each zone are important and help us with different things in our lives.  For example:
  • Blue Zone can help tell your body that you need rest when you are sick.  Blue zone is also a great zone to try to get to before you go to bed.  If you are in the Yellow Zone before bed, it can be very hard to sleep.
  • Green Zone can be great for focusing and doing tasks that require concentration.  When you are doing school work, this can be a great zone for that. Being in the Blue Zone or in the Yellow Zone when you need to sit and concentrate can be challenging.
  • Yellow Zone can be great for playing and having fun, particularly running around outside.  It can also be great for Physical Education class.  If you are in the Red Zone, it might be hard to play with other people or follow the rules, and if you are in the Blue Zone it might be difficult to move around and stay focused.
  • Red Zone can be great to keep your body safe when you are in danger.  For example, if you are in the road and a car is coming at you, you may feel terrified and run and dive out of the way.  If you are attacked by a wild animal, Red Zone may try and help you fight to survive.  Being in Blue Zone, for example, when your immediate safety is at risk, may not work as well.
Regulation tricks using music:
  • To move to a higher energy using music, you can listen to music that has a strong drum beat and fast rhythm.  I recommend getting up and dancing.  This can get your body moving and raise up your energy!
  • To move to a lower energy using music, you can listen to music that has a softer drum beat, or no drumming at all.  For example you could sing a soft song or a lullaby, like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." This can help lower your body's energy.

Speech: Compare and Contrast (May 4 to May 10)

How Are These Pictures Similar and Different?

There are 6 different pairs of pictures above.  Look at the 2 pictures and see if you can find different ways that they are similar.  Can you name 3 different ways they are similar?  Now try to name different ways they are the same.  

For example: the first 2 pictures are of the moon and a field of flowers.  They are similar because they are both outside.  They both show something round.  They are different because one is night and one is day.  Now you try, and have FUN!

Physical Therapy: Week of May 3. - May 9

Tightrope Balance Activity:
This can be done inside or outside.  Use a long piece of string/thin rope (sidewalk chalk outside) and make a pattern to walk across, trying to stay on the rope.  You can walk in different ways: forwards, touching heel/toe, backwards, sideways each direction.  You can make the rope in different shapes: straight, zig zag, curly cues.  You can make crossing the line more purposeful by having your child carry objects across one by one, such as puzzle pieces, blocks, etc.  Have fun!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Occupational Therapy: Week of May 3 - May 10

Make Your Own Drawings

Use these step by step drawings to draw your own pictures. Try them all or pick your favorites!
**Don't forget to get your fingers ready for writing with some finger exercises before trying these activities. You can also try taping your paper to the wall to give your arms a challenge as you work!**
How to draw EASY ANIMALS - easy step by step drawing tips for kids
How to Draw Animals for Kids Step by Step with Pencil - Do It ...
How To Draw Unicorn Emoji - Step By Step Drawing Money, HD Png ...

Tell me what you drew in the comments or email a picture of it at bissone@westbrookschools.org. I hope you have fun with this!
Occupational Therapy Goals targeted: visual motor skills, fine motor skills, following directions